The Tamale Branch meets once in a month except in January and December. The meeting day is the first Saturday......
The Accra Branch meets once in a month except in December. The meeting day is the last Sunday of every......
The 70th Anniversary of Tamale Senior High School Cadet Corps is Loading………….
......Tamale Secondary School was the first co-educational senior high school in the Northern Region of Ghana. The School was established at a time when the agitation for Ghana’s independence had gathered momentum and the demand for a secondary school in the north had also intensified and had become non-negotiable.
The main objective of the establishment of the institution amongst others was to mitigate the widening gap of the human resource capacity between the North and the South of the then British Colony.
Tamale Secondary School, therefore, was officially opened in January, 1951 as the first secondary school in the Northern Territories under the name Government Secondary School.
The School started with twenty (20) boys with Rahim Gbadamosi as it first Senior Prefect. Mr. R.N. Bryant, the then Northern Territories Education Officer acted as the headmaster.
“To be an icon of secondary education in Northern Ghana and beyond”
“To provide quality education that will lead to brave, sincere, highly-competent and disciplined students for tertiary education and related disciplines”
Our Tamale Secondary School
Has a wonderful opportunity
To be the Light of Northern Ghana
We her children must be bold and brave
Sincere and faithful
Happy and gay, we stand and strive
For the glory of our school.
Head of Department: Osman Iddi Ibn Sheriff
The school provides guidance and counseling services to both staff and students.
Career Guidance
One-on-one Counselling
Group Counselling
Class Visitations
Orientation Services
Capacity Building Sessions
Social Marketing
Sources of Information
Guide on ScholarshipOpportunities
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